Since 2003, I have been making hand-painted books, usually one-of-a-kind, on handmade paper, with bindings by John Demerritt.
Pond Garden, 2003
Pond Garden, 2003
Weather Patterns, 2003
Believer, 2004
Believer, 2004
Beneath Krakatoa, 2004 (private collection)
Beneath Krakatoa, 2004 (private collection)
Berlin, 2004 (Private Collection)
Five and Dime Deluxe, 2004
Five and Dime Deluxe, 2004
Five and Dime Deluxe
Geranium, 2004 (private collection)
Geranium, 2004 (private collection)
Lanterns, 2004
No Matter, 2004
Shostakovich, 2004
Tuber and Glob, 2004
Elixir refused (collection; Legion of Honor, Achenbach Collection, San Francisco)
Obliterated St. Augustine, 2005
A Trembling Orinoco, 2006
Deny This World, 2006 (private collection)
Respite, 2006--collection: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Achenbach Collection)
Europe Attempts Big Heaven, 2007
Fairest Lord Jesus, 2007
A Mighty Fortress, 2007
Moon Atlas, 2011 (private collection)
The Use of Tears in Drowning, 2014
Unspoke, 2014
The Stench of Father Cosima's Cadaver Frees Us All, 2014
Skin Fish, 2016

page size 22.5" x 15" (opens to 22.5" x 30"), 40 pages plus cover, painted on Brown Stonehenge, 2016

Skin Fish, 2016

page size 22.5" x 15" (opens to 22.5" x 30"), 40 pages plus cover, painted on Brown Stonehenge

Skin Fish , 2016

page size 22.5" x 15" (opens to 22.5" x 30"), 40 pages plus cover, painted on Brown Stonehenge, 2016

Throat Singing in Drohobycz, 2016

Page size 18.5" x 12.5" (opens to 18.5" x 25"), 56 pages plus cover, painted on Stonehenge, 2016. Words in the book are lifted from Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz. The book is meant as an homage to the writer, murdered by the Nazis in 1942.

Throat Singing in Drohobycz, 2016

page size 18.5" x 12.5" (opens to 18.5" x 325), 56 pages plus cover, painted on Stonehenge, 2016. Words in the book are lifted from Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz, the book is meant as an homage to the writer, murdered by the Nazis in 1942.


Grid Stop, 2016

48 pages, 23" x 15" page size, 48 pages plus cover, painted on Stonehenge 

Grid Stop, 2016

48 pages, 23" x 15" page size, 48 pages plus cover, painted on Stonehenge

Priapus and Rainfall

page size 25" x 19" (opens to 38" x 25"), 56 pages plus cover, painted on Stonehenge, created in 2017

Priapus and Rain Fall

page size 25" x 19" (opens to 38" x 25"), 56 pages plus cover, painted on Stonehenge, created in 2017

Repeat Repeat, 2017
Repeat Repeat, 2017
Hate Is What We Need, 2017 (private collection)

Hand-painted quotations of Donald Trump, originally a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted artist book, now available in a reduced size trade edition: Chronicle Books or

Hate Is What We Need, 2017 (private collection)

Hand-painted quotations of Donald Trump, originally a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted artist book, now available in a reduced size trade edition: Chronicle Books or

Bird Song

Bird Song is a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted book, acrylic and paste on Stonehenge paper, page size 19" x 12.5"  (opens to 19" x 25"), 64 pages + cover, created at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018.

Bird Song

Bird Song is a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted book, acrylic and paste on Stonehenge paper, page size 19" x 12.5"  (opens to 19" x 25"), 64 pages + cover, created by Ward Schumaker during the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018.

The Administration of Cruelty and Stupidity, 2018 (Collection: Legion of Honor, Achenbach Collection, San Francisco)
The Administration of Cruelty and Stupidity, 2018 (Collection: Legion of Honor, Achenbach Collection, San Francisco)
The Administration of Cruelty and Stupidity, 2018 (Collection: Legion of Honor, Achenbach Collection, San Francisco)
Operator Operator (Yellow Pages)

A hand-painted book, page size 17" x 13" , 48 pages, 2019

Operator Operator (Yellow Pages)

A hand-painted book, page size 17" x 13" , 48 pages, 2019


A hand-painted book, page size 15" x 22.5", 40 pages, 2019


A hand-painted book, page size 15" x 22.5", 40 pages, 2019


A hand-painted book, page size 16” x 12.5" , 48 pages, 2020


A hand-painted book, page size 16” x 12.5" , 48 pages, 2020


A hand-painted book, page size 16” x 12.5" , 48 pages, 2020

The World of Sleep

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13”" , 32 pages, 2020

The World of Sleep

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

The World of Sleep

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

Horse, with Peonies

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

Horse, with Peonies

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

Horse, with Peonies

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

Teen Fighter Pilot

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

Teen Fighter Pilot

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

Teen Fighter Pilot

A hand-painted book, page size 18” x 13" , 32 pages, 2020

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