Trump Papers

A series of 120 hand-painted broadsides, featuring quotes from magazines, newspapers, and online sources—a scrap book, more-or-less, of this time with Trump (2018-2020).

Trump Papers

In the summer of 2017 I created a one-of-a-kind hand-painted book of Trump quotes, Hate Is What We Need. Chronicle Books made it available as a small format trade book. During 2018 and 2019 I’ve continued the project by painting scores of broadsides I call Trump Papers, a collection of quotes by or about Trump and his administration. Each measures 37” x 25”, and was created with acrylic and paste on Stonehenge paper, some with collage elements. The first forty have been exhibited at Jack Fischer Gallery in San Francisco and at Zeitgeist Gallery in Nashville. The series continues because Trump continues.

Hate Is What We Need

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Crimes Against Humanity

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

I alone can fix it.

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Bad Things

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Bow Down

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Dustbin of History

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Dying Anyway

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Engineer It

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

80,000 Extra Deaths

37” x 25” acrylic on paper

Fake News

37” x 25” acrylic on paper

Feminism or Cancer

37” x 22” acrylic and paste on paper

Hang Them All

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Good Genes

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Guns and School

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Trump in Helsinki

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Not a Hero

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper


37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Kids in Cages 01

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Kids in Cages 02

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Kids in Cages 03

37” x 24” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Really Don't Care

37” x 24” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Kids in Cages 05

acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Baby Constantin

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

What You See

37” x 25” acrylic and past on paper

12,800 Migrant Children Detained

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Nothing to Do with Russia

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Obama Birth Certificate

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Scott Pruitt's Resignation Letter

acrylic and paste on paper

Putin, Trump, and Rohrabacher

acrylic and paste on paper

No Republican Party

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Russia, If You're Listening

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Treason, If True

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Nothing Wrong

37” x25” acrylic and paste on paper

1929 Again

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper


37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper


37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper


37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Ret. Admiral McCraven

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Truth Isn't Truth

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper


37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

EPA Coal Rules

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

10,000 Lies

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

I'm President and You're Not

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

End of My Presidency

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

No Collusion

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Moscow Mitch

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper; 2019

Giuliani: "There is nothing wrong with taking information from the Russians."

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Land This Plane

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Transition of Power

37” x 25” acrylic and paste on paper

Nancy Pelosi: "I pray for the president."

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Nancy Pelosi: " want to see him in prison."

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Trump: "I am a very stable genius."

37” x 25” acrylic on paper

Trump: "I know so much about nuclear weapons..."

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Trump on Hurricane Florence

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Gerrymandering: "Tragically wrong." Justice Elena Kagan

37” x 25” acrylic on paper, 2019


25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019

Donald Trump: "Women, you have to treat them like shit."

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Jeffrey Epstein (revised)

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019

Senator Hirono Speaks

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Michael Cohen on Trump

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Kedllyanne Conway: Let me know when the jail sentence starts.

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Ivanka's Thoughts on Work

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Fake Polls!

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Trump and Putin Share a Joke

25” x 37” acrylic and paste on paper (2019)

Jimmy Carter Calls Trump's Presidency Illegitimate

25’ x 37”, acrylic on paper

Digital Campaign

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper

4th of July Airport

25” x 37” acrylic on paper

Trump says: Go Back!

25” x 37” acrylic open paper with collage elements; 2019

Graham and A.O.C.

acrylic and paste on paper with collage elements

Lindsey Graham though the Years

25” x 37” acrylic on paper; 2019

Pence at the Detention Center

25” x 37” acrylic and paste on paper, with collage elements

Charge Trump with Obstruction of Justice

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Trump Russian Coverup Lies

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Trump's Rhetoric

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019

Shoot Them!

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Impeach 01

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Kushner Facebook Ads

37” x 25” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019

Trillion Dollar Deficit

25” x 37” acrlic on paper, 2019


25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Give Me Your Tired...

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2109

"I Am the Chosen One" Donald Trump

25” x 37” acrylic on paper with collage elements, 2019

Demonic Spirits | Supreme Court

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Civil War

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019


25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019

Whatever I Want

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

WhistleBlower 02: Conceal Actions via Secure Server

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019


25” x 37” acrylic on paper with collaged elements, 2019

Not Fooling Around

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019

Shoot Them in the Legs

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, Ward Schumaker, 2019


37” x 25” acrylic on paper, 2019

Kurds 01

37” x 25”, acrylic and collage elements on paper; 2019

Kurds 02

25” x 37” acrylic on paper with collage elements

Kurds 03

37” x 25” acrylic and collage elements on paper, 2019; Ward Schumaker


37” x 25” acrylic on paper, 2019

Tweet Simple

37” x 25” acrylic on paper 2019


37” x 25” acrylic on paper, 2019

Whistleblower Complaint

37” x 25” acrylic on paper, 2019

Income Inequality

37” x 25” acrylic on paper

Higher Tax Rate

25” x 37” acrylic on paper with collage elements

Telephone Call--Trump to Zelensky

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Stephen Miller: Jolt of Electricity

25” x 37” acrylic n paper, 2019

$2Million Dollar Fine

25” x 37” acrylic on paper; 2019

Ambassador Yovanovitch

25” x 37”, acrylic on paper, 2019

Sondland: Quid Pro Quo (Everyone was in the loop...)

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2109

Testify Under Oath

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Quid Prop Quo = Bribery

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper; 2019

Fiona Hill

25” x 37” acrylic and collage elements on paper; 2019

Presidents Are Not Kings

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Get Over It?

25” x 37”, acrylic on paper, 2019

Greta Thunberg2

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Vicious Character Assassination

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

Most Less Facts

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

McConnell Coordinates

25” x 37”, acrylic on paper, 2019

Impeachment Article I


Impeachment Article II

25” x 37” acrylic on paper, 2019

(Un)Fair Juror

acrylic on paper, 2019

Trump's Crime Against Humanity

25” x 37” acrylic on paper with collage elements


25” x 37” acrylic on paper; 2019

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