Helen of Genoa, 48" x 72", acrylic on canvas (private collection)
Helen of Genoa (48" x 72") in New York studio (private collection)
Reason Drifts, 48" x 72", acrylic on canvas (private collection)
Reason Drifts in New York studio (private collection)
1956, acrylic on board
After the War with Lungs, acrylic on wood panel
Balkan, acrylic on wood panel
Berlin, acrylic on wood panel
Double Sonogram. acrylic on wood panel
Untitled, acrylic on wood panel
Here Comes Santa Claus, acrylic on wood panel
I Am the Orange Man, acrylic on wood panel (private collection)
Another Thing the Girl Said, acrylic on wood panel (private collection)
Ship of State, acrylic on wood panel (private collection)
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