Suddenly a Body

48" x 56" acrylic on canvas

Suddenly a Body

48" x 56" acrylic on canvas


19" x 25" acrylic and pasted paper on board

Dream Body

19" x 25 acrylic and pasted paper on board

Alabama Song (private collection)

72" x 48" acrylic on canvas

The Alabama Song (Weill-Brecht) (Private Collection)

72" x 48" acrylic on canvas

The Alabama Song (Weill-Brecht) detail (private collection)

72" x 48" acrylic on canvas

The Din

acrylic on canvas 36" x 50"

The Din

36" x 50" acrylic on canvas

Cherry Alive (musing on Delmore Schwartz)

34" x 48" acrylic on canvas

Cherry Alive (musing on Delmore Schwartz)

34" x 48" acrylic on canvas

Cherry Alive (musing on Delmore Schwartz)

34" x 48" acrylic on canvas

Slow Dancing

19" x 25" acrylic on paper on board

Slow Dancing (detail)

19" x 25" acrylic on paper on board

Slow Dancing

19" x 25" acrylic on paper on board

About Time

72" x 48" acrylic on canvas

About Time

72" x 48" acrylic on canvas

About Time

72" x 48" acrylic on canvas


34" on 48" acrylic on paper on board


34" x 48" acrylic on paper on board


34" x 48" acrylic on paper on board

Nietzsche: Let's Dance! (private collection)

34" x 48" acrylic on paper on board

Nietzsche: Let's Dance! (private collection)

34" x 48" acrylic on paper on board

Nietzsche: Let's Dance! (private collection)

34" x 48" acrylic on paper on board

Never Enough

33" x 50" acrylic on paper on board


36" x 25" acrylic on canvas


25" x 36" acrylic on canvas


25" x 36" acrylic on canvas

Butterfly Voodoo

25” x 36” acrylic on paper on board

Butterfly Voodoo

25” x 36” acrylic on paper on board

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